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(Government of Maharashtra)

National Emblem

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"An Innovative action plan for science & technology"


1) "Assistance for S&T Applications"

The commission has initiated a program to invite proposals on innovative applications of science and technology for socio-economic development. This application could be linked to the material resources, specific issues related to, and potential for, development; the activities could be area specific or sector specific.

Guidelines for submission of the proposals are available here:-word doc image Guidelines and formats.(Language-English[Doc],Size-57.5 KB) The scheme is now widely circulated and has received
an encouraging response. The project ideas, as well as detailed proposals received, are scrutinized by a peer review committee, followed by a review by experts in the field and finally submitted for approval by the appraisal committee set up by the Commission.

The Commission encourages collaborative/networked projects and programs of National S&T Agencies

2) "RAJIV GANDHI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION Scheme - Science and Innovation Activity Centres"

This is a new Scheme launched by the Commission for the benefit of the School Students. It is a facility for students to undertake innovative activities in Science.

The Proposals to set up these centres are expected from schools which have a strong institutional backup.
Guidelines for submission of the proposals are available here:-word doc imageRAJIV GANDHI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION Scheme - Science and Innovation Activity Center.(Language-English[Doc],Size-160 KB)

Interested Schools should first submit the Pre-Proposals to the Commission. These would be Peer reviewed for any decision.

Science popularization
Solapur Science Center

In collaboration with the National Council for Science Museums, the Commission has set up a Sub-Regional Science Center at Solapur. Similar Science Center would be considered at other locations in the State.

The Commission implements various National Programs related to science popularization activities, such as National Science day and Event-based Projects.