Nothing ever built arose to touch the skies Unless some man dreamed that it should Some man believed that it could And some man willed that it must.
An innovative action plan
of the Government of Maharashtra
for the socio-economic development of the people
through applications of Science & Technology
About Us
For the advancement, propagation, and promotion of Applications of Science and Technology to the various problems faced by the society and to the developmental work,The government of Maharashtra has formed the Rajiv Gandhi Science & Technology Commission
After Cabinet approval, a bill was passed by the State Legislature and the Commission Act came into effect in December 2004. The Government constituted the Commission in April 2005.
The Commission would act as a facilitator and play a pro-active role to take science and technology to the people. Maharashtra is the only state in the country to set up such a statutory Commission and indicates its priority for the Science and Technology Sector.
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Contact Us
Dr. N.G. Shah
Member Secretary
Rajiv Gandhi Science and
Technology Commission,
Government of Maharashtra
Apeejay House, 3rd floor, Dinshaw Vaccha Road,
Beside K.C.College, Churchgate
Headquarters: Mumbai
Near Rajmudra Kaksh, Madam Cama Road,

Email: rgstcmaha[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Nagpur Center
Smt Pragati Gokhale,
Advisor and Office Incharge
Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission,
Government of Maharashtra, Nagpur Centre,
New Library Building, 3rd Floor,
V.N.I.T. Campus, South Ambazari Road,
Nagpur-440 010
Contatct No: 0712 –2241188, 2245638 , (Direct) 2801637
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